
aBout Us

  • Marine United Group is a Shipping agency actively involved in Container transport and other types of transport. Based on Egypt, Marine United Group is a local agent covering all ports of Egypt. Being one of the most professional freight forwarders in Egypt, We are also one of the safest and most trustable companies in Egypt.

  • Our team is composed of very supportive people, ready to assist our clients and associates whenever there is any request or demand. We are aware of the fact that today’s business requires immediate solutions, Flexibility and resourcefulness. Thus, all Marine United Group team have these properties and they are ready to assist you with your call or e-mail. Even if you haven’t tried our services before, it is never late. Try us, and you will have the chance to see the difference.

  • The founding members of Marine United Group are coming from the Shipping industry, and they are well familiar with world standards in business. we are covering the Globe with all means. our agents and partners are spread in all countries, and we are able to provide on line communication to our clients about their cargoes and their business always.
  • we are covering the Globe with all means. our agents and partners are spread in all countries, and we are able to provide on line communication to our clients about their cargoes and their business always.

Our strength points 

  • Familiar with customers all over the world
  • E24 hours standby personnel to follow-up to avoid time different issue
  • Maintain same rate for long period
  • Secure space even in peak season
  • Project Cargo/OOG /Break bulk /Chartering /RoRoPCTCPCC Shipping services
  • Experienced personnel with technical background stationed with special cargo
  • Competitive charges to have win-win situation
  • Customers first to maintain service quality
  • Long partnership to sustain